Kritik zur Drummer of Tomorrow performance:
Next up came the first of the home grown talent. At 25, Thomas Heinz was the oldest of the finalist at the show and to be honest that quickly became apparent. His confidence as a player was self evident from the moment he sat behind the kit, and his choice of track, ‘Crazy in Love’ by Beyonce was custom made for him to show what he could do. Throwing his whole body into the groove, Thomas drove the track like a prize fighter going for the knockout blow. His fills between sections were both lightning quick, well constructed and locked in tight to the rhythm, and not only he but the whole Allstar band were very obviously loving every minute of the performance. With the audience clearly having enjoyed the experience as much as the band, the end of the track brought long, loud and much deserved applause. For his solo piece Thomas was the only finalist who elected to playalong to a backing track. With a seriously tight funk groove driving away in the backgroundhe let rip with a whole series of very tight, very interesting fill patterns, dropping back into the beat bang on the money every time and bringing the solo to a climactic finish with a lightning fast drum and bass pattern.
Wir und der Wald
Rüdiger Baldauf´s Jackson Trip
Fresh Music Live
Artists: Tarja Turunen, Hadaway, Mousse T., Emma Langford, Jennifer Rush, Jörg Knör, Edwin Hawkins, Dickes B!, Fresh Music Live
Drumming: Winner Mapex „Drummer of Tomorrow“ Contest europe, Dresdner Drumfestival, Mapex Party @ Musikmesse 2009/2010/2011/2012/2013
Mapex, Sabian, Vic Firth
– Geboren 1982 in Siegen
– 1991 – 2001 Privatunterricht bei Eckhard Jung und Michael Strunk
– 1998 – 2001 Ausbildung zum Schreinergeselle
– 2002 – 2004 Ausbildung an der Berufsfachschule für Musik
– Seit – 2005 Freiberuflicher Musiker
– 2008 Intensivkurs am Musicians Institute in Hollywood Los Angeles
– 2010 – 2011 Intensivkurs am Drummers‘ Focus Köln